Isabella Ducrot

The Checkered Cloth
Isabella Ducrot, 2019
Softcover 96 pages
Publisher: Quodlibet
ISBN: 9788822903822
Dimensions: 120x182 mm

In presenting the triptych of The Annunciation with St. Margaret and St. Ansanus by Simone Martini, the scholar Gianfranco Contini, confessed his desire to secretly extract from the rich and lush composition of that painting a piece of the flashy checkered fabric lining the Angel’s mantle. These pages describe Isabella Ducrot’s meeting with that painting. Through the enigmatic edge of the Angel’s garment she reflects on that which is the first material of her work: the cloth. For many years Isabella Ducrot has painted and composed in many ways fabrics, textiles, Eastern prayer sashes, attempting each time to demonstrate in those textile structures a “breath”, which crosses and enlivens them.


Images, memories and reflections that have stayed with her throughout her work as a painter, are here collected as in a freely composed collage.

Isabella Ducrot: The Checkered Cloth
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